
by Tanapro GmbH, Tom Arn



SimplePOS is a cashier application which is simple to use and runs completely autonomously on your tablet. It has following features:* Customizable article list* Articles with variable price* Grouped order list* Calculation of order total* Calculation of change money* Sales log with cancellation of orders* Export of article list and sales log by e-mailThe free version of the app is a demo which is restricted to 3 articles.Through in-app-purchases additional functionality can be added to the app:BASICDefine and use as many articles as you want.COLORAllows you to define the background color of an article button.SPEEDAllows you to work faster by adding the Speed pay button and buttons for the bills on the decimal keyboard.VOUCHERAllows you to register voucher payments. In the sales log, voucher payments are marked as such.More details can be found in the online version of the built-in help page: forum:!forum/tanapro